Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Idea in a Nutshell

In 1994 Newt Gingrich proposed his Contract with America outlining a series of values and goals which became the center around which conservatives organized. It provided a clear picture of what they stood for which became accepted almost unanimously on the right – by their churches, civic and political organizations… They brought it to their school boards, city councils, legislators,… all the way to their presidential candidates and they kept politicians toes to the fire – even within their own party. Every incumbent or candidate who did not sign on to their Contract was opposed in the next election by a well-funded conservative. About this observation, we make no value judgment for or against what they did. The point is: What they did worked and can work again.

The Network will establish the means of determining those issues on which the broadest spectrum of Americans can agree are necessary to change the way our country operates by removing the virtual big money control of the process so that our representatives will again represent the will of the people, not just private business interests.

If you agree with these goals, please sign our Petition

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